The prevention assistent is a dental assistant who has followed an additional course. The prevention assistent does not have the competence for independant or functional dental treatments and can only perform these on behalf of the dentist.
His or her tasks are mostly aimed to the prevention of gum related issues and cariës.
Also, the prevention assistent can only perform treatments to patients with superficial gum related issues.
Examples of activities the prevention assistent does are:
Education of oral hygiene
Tartar removal above the gums
Making X-rays and dental imprints.
A paroprevention assistent has taken another additional course to allow her to remove tartar that is located underneath the gums. She can go to a certain depth underneath the gums. If the tartar is deeper than 7mm, you will be referred to a dental hygienist. During the half-annual check-up, the dentist will always check if you have tartar, and how deep this is. This will lead to an advice and you can make an appointment with the paro prevention assistent or dental hygienist.
A dental hygienist has finished the HBO-education for Dental Hygiene. A large number of dental hygienists work for a dentist, but it is also possible the dental hygienist has an own practice.
We are constantly updating this website so if your question is not here, please don't hestitate to email us!
Are you dissatisfied with the approach of the dentist, your treatment or your bill? Here's what you can do.
Step 1. Start a conversation with your dentist
Step 2. Contacrt the 'Tandheelkundig Informatie Punt' (TIP)
Step 3. Complaint mediation through KNMT klachtenservice
For more information check:
Your gums are (slighty) inflamed. Sometimes this is caused by an abundance of bacteria underneath the tooth (caused by wrongly or not enough brushing), and sometimes because your body reacts more profoundly to plaque, because of for example pregnancy, quitting smoking and/or reduced health. Please let the cause be checked, because you are exposed to a higher risk of cavities and/or gum issues.
Cavities emerge, because we overexpose our teeth to (fermentable) sugars. When does it get too much? That differs. And it is not so much the amount of sugars, but the number of moments a day. Especially when your teeth are already weak, you should adjust your eating and brushing habits. We can help you do this.
When you brush your teeth with your non-dominant hand, you realise how difficult it is again! Children up to 10 years old, should always be checked by the parents, and with the eldery, motor control will go down. So with these groups, electric brushing is advisable. For the painters and surgeons among us, this is not necessary. Although it is always easier to keep that wisdom tooth you can hardly reach clean!
More and more people brush electrically. But did you know you should use this brush differently than a manual brush? Teach yourself the brushing routine! For more information, check:
Lemon tea or grapefruit juice are examples or acid drinks. The amount of moments a day you burden your teeth with this should be kept to a minimum. Whem your teeth get in contact with acids, a little bit of calcium will dissolve. Fortunately, your saliva is filled with calcium. If you allow your teeth to rest, this cacium will be again taken from the saliva. Wash your mouth with water after eating and wait for about half an hour before you brush, to allow them to recover from the acid.
Visit the practice to get a good cleansing. During pregnancy your gums react differently to plaque and bacteria and cause issues that normally don't occur. After this we will check if toothpaste made for sensitive periodental pockets could be of help.
First, a standard check-up must be done. This costs approximately €55.
(Codes C11 €22,16 and X10 €16,33 or X11 €12,24)
Sometimes we discover other underlying afflictions that needs further research. If the research is complete, we can make a treatment plan and budget for the costs, which then you can
submit to your health insurance to see how much of this is compensated.
We use the standard dental rates. These rates are explaind here:
Dental care for children up to 18 years old is mostly compensated by your standard health care. Excess limits are not necessary for children either. This means that for example check-ups and cavities are compensated. Retainers, crowns, bridges and implants for children are not compensated.
De behandeling wordt gedeclareerd aan de hand van een door de NZa vastgestelde verrichtingenlijst. Een vulling bijvoorbeeld bestaat uit een aantal verrichtingen: het droogleggen van de tand, de verdoving en de vulling zelf. Al naar gelang de verrichtingen die een tandarts uitvoert, mag hij deze in rekening brengen. Wordt tijdens de behandeling bijvoorbeeld verdoofd, zal de tandarts de verrichting “verdoving” in rekening brengen. Voor elke verrichting wordt een apart tarief in rekening gebracht. De NZa heeft deze verrichtingen nauwkeurig omschreven zodat de tandarts u altijd de juiste verrichting bij de juiste behandeling in rekening kan brengen. Techniekkosten van het tandtechnisch laboratorium mag de tandarts u in rekening brengen. Uw nota is overzichtelijker omdat op de nota alle verrichtingen staan vermeld. Ook krijgt u een begroting van de kosten zodra de behandeling meer kost dan € 250,--.
Om u en uw mondgezondheid alle aandacht te kunnen geven, hebben wij onze debiteurenadministratie uitbesteed aan infomedics. Na de tandheelkundige behandeling krijgt u via Infomedics de nota thuis gestuurd. In de meeste gevallen heeft Infomedics de nota ingediend bij uw zorgverzekeraar en heeft de zorgverzekeraar al een deel van de nota vergoed. Het niet vergoede deel zal door Infomedics bij u in rekening worden gebracht. Met vragen over uw nota kunt u het beste rechtstreeks contact opnemen met infomedics op telefoonnummer: 036 -20 31 900 (lokaal tarief). Zij kunnen antwoord geven op al uw, niet tandheelkundig gerelateerde, vragen betreffende uw nota.
Moet een ik aanvullende tandartsverzekering nemen? Heeft het zin om mijn verzekering aan te passen? Welke behandelingen worden vergoed? Tandartsen krijgen aan het eind van het jaar veel vragen van patiënten over hun verzekering. In dit filmpje krijgt u meer uitleg over een verzekering:
Opening Hours | |
Mon - Thur | 8:00 - 17:00 |
Telephone | 9:00 - 12:00 |
Fri - Sun | Closed |
Telephone | 043 4581685 |
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